Cooking Your Way Through Life
Combining knowledge of the kitchen and applying it real life situations. This podcast is all about understanding techniques, to make things you already know even better. Topics from traveling on a budget, setting and achieving short and long term goals, and of course cooking.
Podcasting since 2020 • 82 episodes
Cooking Your Way Through Life
Latest Episodes
Cooking Your Way Through "Holiday Special Episode"
This is a special holiday edition episode that features some tips and tricks on making a really juicy Turkey for the holidays. I also go over some of my favorite things to do each year and why I love traveling this time of year. P...
Season 5

Season 5 Teaser
This is just a quick teaser to get you back on board with my podcast. Telling you some of the things I have planned this season and why it took so long to come back. Buy My Cookbook Below:...
Season 5

Cooking Your Way Through "What Super Power Would You Choose" with TJ, Paul Ness, Asher Rohan, Alyssa G, Taylor Sokol, OG, Tinesha Tutt, Ayla, ChefLeen, & Chef Patrick
This is the Season 4 question for everyone and it's, if you could have any super power what would it be? This episode turned out so cool and I never would have guessed what people choose, also it's funny that the 2 chefs on the this seaso...
Season 4
Episode 21

Cooking Your Way Through "The Fear Of Moving On" with ChefLeen
This is the last episode of Season 4 and it is appropriately named too because I think I've moved on from so many things this year already. We discuss our past choices and decisions with moving on as well as give you some tips and tricks ...
Season 4
Episode 20

Cooking Your Way Through "The Narrative"
On today's episode I wanted to explore the idea of understanding the narrative. Lot's of times we are told what the narrative is in a situation and we throw our common sense out the window to believe it. Sometimes your gut tells you...
Season 4
Episode 19